Fishing Guides - Part 3

Fishing Guides - Part 3
What if your and your guide don't speak the same language?
Your planning your dream fly fishing adventure and find out that, at your selected location, the guides do not speak the same language as you. You may decide to pick a new location but if you proceed you may get more than you bargained for - you may start to learn a new language! If you are up for the challenge you probably won't be the first person your guide has not been able to directly communicate with. Guides all have strategies to work with clients and many generally know a selection of fishing specific words in more than one language. One thing we have learned in those places where we were faced with a language barrier is that charades on a bonefish flat can be fun! It's all about attitude and remembering that you are, after all, on vacation and that you were looking for something different than what you have at home. A strategy we have developed for these situations is that we will carry a translation dictionary with us. We use it to look up words and phrases, when the charades just aren't enough. We have had more than one guide also use our dictionary to translate from their language into English!

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