Why Use a Booking Agent

Why Use a Booking Agent
Have you been asking yourself, 'Why would I use a booking agent like On The Water Fly Fishing Travel? We often hear that question from people before they become our clients. All of us who travel to fly fish know someone who has 'been there' (maybe not in this millennium but they have been there!) and everyone has access to all the lodge and destination reviews they can handle on the internet.

So why would you call us? Well, because we have been there, because we know the owners and the local managers, we know the fishery and no lodge or outfitter makes our destinations list unless we would stay there and fish there ourselves! We are regularly in touch with all of the lodges and outfitters that we represent so we have first hand and up to date knowledge of the local fishery plus the state of the accommodations, food, boats, extra-curricular activities, local history, etc.

When you book with us you benefit from our years of knowledge, collected on numerous destination fishing trips AND we make all the arrangements for you! In addition, if you want to experience some local culture or do some sightseeing while on your adventure we have options and suggestions for that too.

Need another reason? We don't charge extra for our services. When you book through On The Water Fly Fishing Travel you don't pay any more than you would if you went directly to the lodge or outfitter yourself. Often, we can even negotiate a better deal than you could on your own!

Give us a call today to find out more about our services and our destinations.

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